- The heroes took the task from the gnome Wiz Bang to explore the arcane ruins of "The Pit".
- After saving some guards from a handful of blood sucking stirges they were informed of a wild and vicious dog living within the pit with a bounty on its head.
- Axl failed to climb a rope while Peak found a ramp.
- The dog was found with two heads and its own flock of stirges at its disposal.
- The stirges burned up with Peak's magic while Axl got a nasty infection from a dog bite.
- While victory was won Axl's infection had everyone worried and they group headed back to town before venturing deeper into the pit.
- Lofael found an elven paladin of Thor (the normally dwarven god) who seemed to know of the heroes fathers and was more than happy to cure the ailing dragonborn.
- While dinner invitations by the elf were given everyone instead decided to skip dinner and venture back into the pit at day break.
- Now deeper into the pit shambling bodies that burst into clouds of disease as well as a Plague Mephit were encounter, but somewhat easily dispatched letting out gang know that disease might be a reoccurring theme down here.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Session 3
Last time on Ashen Grey:
Watch live video from Rethillas on www.twitch.tv
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